How does the government successfully deliver its Warm Homes Plan? (Blog 2 of 2)

David Lennan , Chairman, National Warm Homes Council In the second of a two-part blog on key considerations for civil service policymakers preparing to publish the Warm Homes Plan (WHP) in the spring, I examine the sectors to upgrade homes first and the broader implications of delivery relating to partnering with SMEs in the retrofit sector to support the workforce and energy-saving technologies needed. I t is taken as a given that for decades, the easiest sector to scale up retrofit into is the social housing sector. It has always been ripe for scaling government interventions, and therefore, it makes sense that this sector is the one already with the best insulation. Moreover, one contract in the social sector can lead to hundreds of properties being treated, and there is already a set of tier-one contractors (such as members of the National Home Decarbonisation Group) who can scale up to do the work subject to workforce availability and training. Nonetheless...