
Showing posts from January, 2025

How does the government successfully deliver its Warm Homes Plan? (Blog 1 of 2)

David Lennan , Chairman,   National Warm Homes Council The government's much-anticipated publication of its Warm Homes Plan (WHP) is due in the spring. But what should civil service policymakers include in the plan to ensure the government is able to successfully deliver it in the time frame to which it has committed?  In a two-part blog, and to coincide with a one-to-one meeting at Number 10 today on this very topic, I set out some considerations and priorities for the government in delivering its WHP. In this first blog, I explore the challenges confronting ministers and possible policy solutions. In the second to be published in February, I will examine the sectors to retrofit first and explore broader implications of delivery relating to finance, SMEs in the retrofit sector and the workforce needed to support such measures.  To provide some context, fuel poverty is quickly becoming a crisis waiting to happen. A recent report by Warm This Winter found that about 9 mill...